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Prakash Prasad

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load->view('courses_load', array('list' => $list_newly_launched, 'active' => true)); ?>


Instructor has not created any bundle yet

About Instructor

"Give a man a fish, and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you will feed him for lifetime".

"Hard Stuff isn't easy, bu there are worth it!"

I have a passion for teaching. Over the past couple of decades, I have trained thousands of

participants from various fields... ranging from fortune 500 companies to various government agencies.

My mission is to make my teaching easy, affordable and accessible. My courses are designed to various

sets of participants. Every course, you will gain the real life skills to make you better... most of this is never

taught in any school.

I am accessible and approachable to all my participants. In case you have difficulty in understanding any

particular concept, just drop me a message. I will take out sometime for you. I want you to be empowered

by my training.

In my free time I write books, write white papers, contribute to CERT, Threat Intel, Uncover Frauds, Coach,

listen to music, and help people in need on Quora.

See you in my class!



Cryptocurrency Forensics using Open Source Tools (OSINT)
An excellent short course on most advanced topics... Basics well covered. I enjoyed a lot as the course is intuitive and practical. The resource is good. Highly recommend if you wish to learn the Forensic analysis by using open source tools. I really enjoyed solving the case studies as it allowed me to think more than one ways. Everything promised... Delivered. Thank you!
Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights for Everyone: Protect your intellectual works


Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights for Everyone: Protect your intellectual works
Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights for Everyone: Protect your intellectual works


Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights for Everyone: Protect your intellectual works

To learn New things

Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights for Everyone: Protect your intellectual works


Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights for Everyone: Protect your intellectual works


Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights for Everyone: Protect your intellectual works
Cryptocurrency Forensics using Open Source Tools (OSINT)
Personal Finance for Everyone: Insights for Managing Your Personal Finance and Money Well
Cryptocurrency Forensics using Open Source Tools (OSINT)
Trademark and Trademark Law: protect your logo, design, tag line and more...
Very Good
Copyright and Copyright Law: Protect your artistic work today!
Very Good
Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Rights for Everyone: Protect your intellectual works
Very good
Patent and Patent Law: Protect your discovery! All you wanted to know.
very good

Skill Set

Intellectual Property

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