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Nouman Azam

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About Instructor

I am Dr. Nouman Azam and i am Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences.I had over a decade of experience in research and teaching. 
My research work is mainly on the exploration of machine learning techniques in application areas such as bioinformatics, text summarization, text categorization, email filtering, security, recommender systems and medical decision making. On theoretical side, i am interested in applying the theories of rough sets, game theory, optimization and conflict analysis to machine learning tasks. For my Masters thesis, i applied different machine learning techniques to select important features in spam email filtering. For my doctoral thesis, i investigated the applications of machine learning techniques such as rough sets, game theory, genetic algorithms, gradient descent and others to learn and extract data patterns. In the recent past, I taught many machine learning related courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. 
MATLAB remained my number one choice for implementing ideas and converting my code to meaningful softwares. I implemented all the code of my Masters and Doctoral thesis in MATLAB. 


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