Himani Sharma
Author Dr. Himani Vashishta is a famous author, occult, alternative therapy practitioner and an avid speaker.
Dr. Himani Vashishta is a Doctor in Naturopathy, Master's Psychology, Diploma Ayurveda, MD (Alternative Medicine), Panchkarma Expert, Reiki GrandMaster, Pranic Healer and Kundalini Initiated.
The course in general is educative . I just had sometimes problems to understand the tutor.
very interesting information, many thanks .
I haven't received my certificate from Vidya Retreat.
I'm feeling good to view your clasa
I have learned about magnetism and how to used for therapeutic effects
Nice teaching
This course is very helpful and teaching is perfect and clear
This session is very helpful
This course is very helpful
This course is very helpful
Useful Study material
Useful Study Material
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