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IoT Device Security

good course

Introduction to Cloud security


IoT Device Security

One cannot generate a certificate without rating and writing a review. Thus finding myself writing a review. 4 star for a good course coverage else 1 star due to cons. Pros: - Course is good with good coverage

Cons: - Website is very slow with loads of bugs. Gets logged out again and again. - Issues with certification, support. - Took them 10 days after multiple followups to review the project. - You have to write reviews to generate a certificate.

IoT Device Security

The Security aspect of IoT Is great to always be considered.

Introduction to Cloud security
very good course
Introduction to Cloud security
Introduction to Cloud security
Very well! Thank you!
IoT Device Security
Comprehensive, targeting various concepts
Introduction to Cloud security
A very good introduction to the subject. It is of course just an introduction to a very broad topic, but a good place to startt.
Introduction to Cloud security
IoT Device Security
IoT Device Security
Introduction to Cloud security
IoT Device Security
Excellent Course
Introduction to Cloud security
liked it

Skill Set

Internet Of Things
Cloud Security

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