In this MERN stack mastery course you are going to learn all the components that will help you develop your own production grade full stack application.
We will use the following technologies:
- MONGODB: NoSQL database for storing data as documents and collection
- EXPRESS JS: Web framework for developing RESTful web services/APIs
- REACT JS: Library for developing the single page UI with functional components
- NODE JS: Runtime environment for developing our backend application
- Bcrypt JS: Npm package for encrypting and decrypting password
- Json Web Token(JWT): For secure token based communication between frontend and backend via API calls
- REACT REDUX: For state management in our React application
- localStorage: For storing application information in the frontend
- Nodemon: Npm package for auto reload of backend changes
- Cloudinary: Cloud storage for storing images
- Visual studio code: Development tool/IDE
- ES7 React Extension: Helps to create React functional component faster
We will develop an Instagram clone application from scratch using above mentioned technologies in a step by step approach. Along the way we will also learn the basics of MERN stack.
We will also learn the debugging techniques and best practices that will help you become an awesome MERN stack developer.
You will also get the complete source code for a particular video at the end of the video.
There will also be a quiz at the end of every section that will help you prepare for your interview for any MERN stack based project.
At the end of the course you will also get a project assignment which you can develop in your own time to apply the concepts that you have learned in the course.