Swift5,iOS13 Developer Bootcamp with SwiftUI and Combine
Learn Swift 5, iOS 13, XCode 11, Algorithms, SwiftUI and Apples New Combine Framework by making Awesome Apps.4 in 1 Course
Welcome to Swift5, iOS13 Developer Bootcamp with SwiftUI and Combine Course. This is a comprehensive course on iOS Development which covers every topic which is needed to make you a Ninja in iOS development. EVERYTHING IN THIS COURSE IS UP TO DATE for iOS 13 and Swift 5.
This course will take a unique approach to teach you the Complete iOS App development including the latest trends like SwiftUI, Combine etc.. We will start with Basics and By the End you will be able to Build Complex and Awesome looking apps for all the Apple Devices.
In this Course, you will Learn :-
XCode overview - In this section, we will get a general Overview of XCode. We will learn about IDE, Folder Structure etc.
Swift 5 Basics
In this section you will learn the basic of Swift Language
Swift 5 Intermediate and Advance Concepts
In this section you will learn Intermediate and Advance Concepts of Swift 5. After this section, you will be ready to start coding on Swift.
Data Structure and Algorithm
In this section you will learn about Data Structure and Algorithm in Swift 5. We will implement the Data Structure and Algorithm in Swift 5.
Mastering Layouts including Auto Layout : In This section, we will learn about Auto Layout and Also will Learn about how to make Responsive designs so that the app perfectly fits all screen sizes and devices.
Working with JSON data and External APIs : In This section, we will learn on how to fetch data from any external APIs and process the JSON response inside our app.
iOS Intermediate Features : In this section, we will learn about intermediate features of iOS development like Alerts , Gesture recognizer, Timer , Table View, Permanent Storage ( User default)
Working with CORE Data : In this section , we will learn to Use Core Data which is a Local database on all apple devices used to store information locally.
Working with Realm DB : In this section , we will learn to Use Realm DB which is a Local database used to store information locally. This is an Alternative to Core Data which is highly used for its speed and simplicity.
iOS Special Features : In this section, we will learn about special feature of iOS 13 like Dark Mode, Face ID etc...
Working With Maps : In this section, We will work extensively with maps. We will make an app to integrate maps into an iOS real world app.
PROJECT : Tinder Clone with Firebase : In this section, we will make a Clone to dating app Tinder. We will use everything we have learnt in the previous sections. We will use Firebase as our backend for authentication and storing data.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence : In this section, we will see how we can use Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence in our apps to make our apps intelligent and smart.
PROJECT : SKIN CANCER PREDICTION : In this section, We will develop a App which will allow us to Predict Skin Cancer from Skin Images and will allow us to book appointments from Doctor if Skin Cancer was Found.This app will use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Achieve the results.
PROJECT : FOURSQUARE Clone : In this section, we will make a Clone to Foursquare App. We will use everything we have learnt in the previous sections. We will use PARSE as our backend for authentication and storing data.
Augmented reality : In this section, we will learn and implement Augmented reality into our iOS apps.
PROJECT : E commerce App. : In this section, we will make an E Commerce Shopping cart app. We will use everything we have learnt in the previous sections. We will use Firebase as our backend for authentication and storing data.
PROJECT : INSTAGRAM Clone : In this section, we will make a Clone to INSTAGRAM App. We will use everything we have learnt in the previous sections. We will use Firebase as our backend for authentication and storing data.
SwiftUI : In this section, we will learn about SwiftUI, which is the most exciting topics in the Apple ecosystem as of now.We will cover SwiftUI in a very detailed manner. Below are the Topics :
In This section , You will learn about Different layout in SwiftUI. You will learn about how to Arrange and place different components on screen and make a awesome User interface.
Component Details : Text , Image , Buttons, Responsive Views,Lists Etc..
In This section , You will learn about many components like Text, Images, Buttons,Lists etc. As a Bonus, you will also learn about how to make your app Responsive.So that it can Adapt to any screen and Also learn about advance usage of Lists.
Data, Wrapper and Property Binders
State and Binding are the heart of SwiftUI framework. In this section you will learn the concept of state and how it helps to keep the interface in sync. You will also learn the concepts behind binding.
Advance SwiftUI Concepts : Gestures ,Timers , Alerts,Animation,Tabs etc
In this section you will learn Some intermediate concepts like Gesture Recognizer, Alerts,Animation,Tabs etc Timers etc.
Learn about MAPS , LIST and Other Advance Concepts
In this section, we shall make a Fully functional App. which will allow us to learn about Maps and also Includes many advance concepts of lists.
Integrating Core Data with SwiftUI
In this section you are going to learn about Core Data and its Integration with SwiftUI. We will make a Awesome note taking application to Learn about Core data.
Integrating CreateML and CoreML with SwiftUI
In this section you are going to learn about CoreML. We will make a Sample App to learn about Machine Learning in SwiftUI.
PROJECT : Calculator App
In this section, we will Build a Calculator app, which will help us in understanding about Shapes, and Other important Concepts.
PROJECT : GradeChecker App
In this section, we will Build a GradeChecker app, This app is sole focused on making you understand the in depth of Shapes , gestures and how to use them to make awesome looking custom components.
PROJECT : Course App
In this section, we will Build a App for a Course Selling Company. This app will help you understand on how to build awesome looking interfaces using all the components in SwiftUI
Combine Framework
In this Section, We will learn about Apples very Own Reactive Programming Framework named COMBINE. This Framework is a Direct competition to RxSwift and I would Say, it has a Upper hand because this is developed by Apple itself.
We will learn everything from scratch regarding the Combine Framework
PROJECT : WhatsAPP Clone with Firebase
This will be the final Section of the Course where we will Learn about Firebase and Implement a WhatsApp Clone App which will allow us to learn many advance concepts in Firebase and SwiftUI and also will allow us to implement everything what we have learnt till now.
PROJECT : Movie App
In this section, we will Build a App for a Movie Subscription Company like Netflix, Amazon Prime. This app will help you understand on how to build awesome looking interfaces using all the components in SwiftUI and also About Fetching Data from External APIs.
SPRITE KIT ? Make a HitNCollect 2D Game : In this section , we will explore SPRITE kit for making 2D games for iOS devices. We will make a real world game called HitNCollect in order to understand the concepts.
SPRITE KIT ? Make a Flappy Bird Clone : In this section , we will explore SPRITE kit for making 2D games for iOS devices. We will make a clone of Flappy Bird in order to understand the concepts.
SCENE KIT ? Make a 3D Game : In this section , we will explore SCENE kit for making 3D games for iOS devices. We will make a real world 3D game in order to understand the concepts.
Combine Framework
In this Section, We will learn about Apples very Own Reactive Programming Framework named COMBINE. This Framework is a Direct competition to RxSwift and I would Say, it has a Upper hand because this is developed by Apple itself.
We will learn everything from scratch regarding the Combine Framework.
Making Money
Website for the App
Intro to Design
General Overview of GIT
Swift 5, iOS development and SwiftUI is a growing trend in the industry and it is going to be Progressive . I believe that Learning iOS development is one of the important skill any developer can have.
We know that you are here because you value your time and Money.By getting this course, you can be assured that the course will explain everything in detail and if there are any doubts in the course, we will answer your doubts in less than 12 hours.
All the project Files are available for you.
So, What are you waiting for? Go Click on the Buy button and let's explore the exciting journey of iOS Development.
I will be waiting for you inside the course...