Your ability to master strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement best practices will determine whether you reach your business and career goals in our increasingly disrupted post COVID future of work.
Yet traditional advice to "go with your gut" in strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement scenarios so often leads to disasters that devastate company bottom lines and bring down high flying careers, as revealed by research in behavioral economics, psychology, and cognitive neuroscience. So what are the best practices used by the leaders of Fortune 500 companies to make the right calls in even the toughest strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement scenarios to maximize company bottom lines and advance their own careers?
These leaders recognize that science has revealed how our typical approach to strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement situations suffers from systematic dangerous judgment errors called cognitive biases. These mental blindspots often lead us into strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement disasters that drastically undermine our desired outcomes and goals. Fortunately, recent scholarship has shown effective yet counterintuitive strategies to enable you to defeat these cognitive biases and help optimize your bottom line and your career. In this course, you will learn about and address these dangerous judgment errors, while mastering techniques for all types of strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement scenarios. You will draw on cutting edge behavioral science and real world best practices from Fortune 500 company leaders to help you and your teams reach your professional goals.
After taking this course, you will:
Master strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement best practices used by Fortune 500 leaders to seize competitive advantage for their bottom line and career
Free yourself of constant ruminations, numerous grey zones, and blindspots that plague strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement skills, blocking your goal achievement
Develop a plan with specific next steps to adapt for yourself the best practices used by Fortune 500 leaders for strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement scenarios
Discover the dangerous judgment errors called cognitive biases that lead to strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement disasters for your business objectives
Maximize your desired outcomes by defeating cognitive biases via science based strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement techniques used by Fortune 500 leaders
Feel truly confident about whether you made the right call in strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement scenarios to reach your business and career goals
Sounds too good to be true? These methods were successfully used by Aflac, Applied Materials, Entergy, Honda, IBM, JLL, Reckitt, Wells Fargo, and Xerox to dramatically improve the skills of their top executives, senior VPs, middle managers, and lower level supervisors in strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement scenarios. Over the last two decades, I trained the leaders at these Fortune 500 companies, as well as at numerous middle market companies and quickly growing startups as the CEO of the boutique future proofing consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts. The secrets used by these companies will be revealed in this course.
Besides such real world, pragmatic expertise, I have a strong academic background as a behavioral scientist studying strategic thinking, stakeholder engagement, and related fields. I spent 8 years at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, first getting a PhD in the History of Behavioral Science and then serving as a lecturer there. Then, I spent 7 years as a professor at the Ohio State University, where I published dozens of peer reviewed articles on this topic in high quality academic journals such as Behavior and Social Issues and Journal of Social and Political Psychology. Thus, this course is thoroughly informed by cutting edge research.
This combination of business and science led to my expertise gaining global recognition. I published over 650 articles and gave over 550 interviews to prominent venues. They include Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Fox News, USA Today, CBS News, CNBC, Time, Business Insider, Government Executive, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Inc. Magazine, and Fortune.
Further attesting to my global renown, my work was translated into Chinese, German, Russian, Korean, Polish, Spanish, French and other languages.
That is what you can expect in this course: methods used successfully by leaders at the biggest companies to seize competitive advantage for their bottom lines and careers, thoroughly informed by cutting edge research, and featured in top media venues and best selling books around the globe.
Course Content and Structure Overview
The course is self paced, consisting of modules which the participants can complete any time they want.
For each module, participants in the course will first read book chapters from the textbook. Then, participants will answer questions in the book chapters. Each chapter has references for additional readings that participants are invited to check out for additional context on any concepts about which they wish to learn more.
Next, participants will watch the video for each segment, which uses case studies to apply the content of the readings to real life scenarios.
After each video, the participants should journal for 20,30 minutes to answer the questions in the prompts.
This is an intermediate level course: at least a year of real world professional experience is required to appreciate the strategies and case studies outlined in the class.
I look forward to welcoming you into the world of evidence based, science driven techniques tested in the real world of many Fortune 500 companies and numerous middle market companies. To ensure that you master the best practices of Fortune 500 companies to help yourself seize competitive advantage for your bottom line and career in strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement skills, register now.
Who this course is for:
This course is for current and aspiring leaders (executives, managers, supervisors, intrapreneurs, and entrepreneurs) who want to dramatically improve their strategic thinking and stakeholder engagement skills using Fortune 500 company best practices. They will get the most benefit from this course, as case studies and examples are best suited to their need to seize a competitive advantage in the hybrid and remote future of work.