If you are just starting out in web design or development, you might not realize that before apps even hit the production stage (where coding begins), they are originally planned and sketched out on a software.
Prototyping or Wireframing allows developers to play around with their apps or websites before they spend the hours to code it. This process can also be done by web designers before the product is shipped off to a developer for final coding.
There are many different software that allow you to create prototypes of your app/website, but Adobe’s brand new Experience Design has been designed specifically for that. Experience Design (XD) is an all-in-one cross-platform tool that simplifies the process of designing apps from scratch. In addition to designing, the software is extremely fast, allows cloud saving, sharing, collaborative working, real-time updates, and so much more.
Since, coding and deploying apps from scratch are a time consuming and costly process, prototypes and wireframing are also helpful when you want to secure funding from external sources. Prototypes can help the stakeholders or investors get a feel for your app. Even clients for whom you design can give you updates and changes, that can be made easily before your app goes into production.
All of that and much more is exactly what we are looking to teach you in this course!
Our XD Beginners course will give you a hands-on with one of the most unique and productive design software out there. You will learn exactly how to make your app by learning the various tools and benefits of Adobe Experience Design.
We expect you to be a complete newbie and have absolutely no experience with this or any other design software. Everything you will learn will be from the beginning.
Here are some of the things that are included in this course:
- A full understanding of Adobe Experience Design
- Add interactivity into your designs by adding prototype functionality
- Shape manipulation with Rectangles and Ellipses
- Sharing your interactive designs on the web with friends/colleagues
- Use the "Repeat Grid" to modify repeating elements
- Add scrolling Artboards to your interactive prototypes
Get on the hottest new design software on the market! Enroll now and let’s get cracking with our designs!