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Machine Learning Skill Bundle

Machine Learning Online Bundle to Acquire Top Skills

English (US)

Instructors: Sunil Gupta, Eduonix Learning Solutions, Minerva Singh, Mohammad Nauman, Partha Dey, Abhilash Nelson

  • 10
  • 537+
  • 77.17+
    Hrs Video
( 50% off )
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Why This Skill Bundle?

Machine Learning algorithms help businesses make more accurate predictions thereby aiding decision making. More & more businesses are integrating machine learning into their operations creating a huge demand for skilled professionals. Our Machine Learning skill bundle will enable you to become an expert professional with multiple courses and practical projects to sharpen your skills.

What Will You Get?

  • 10 Courses With Well Defined Content Structure
  • 537+ Lectures From World Class Instructors
  • 78+ Hours Of Interactive Learning
  • Certificate Of Completion
  • Courses From World Class Instructors
  • Cost-Efficient Program
  • 30 Day Money Back Policy
  • Lifetime Access. No Limits!
  • 100% Online & Self-Paced Curation

Why Should You Learn With Eduonix?

Eduonix is a pioneer in the technology-based knowledge industry delivering high-quality content across multiple areas of expertise. Our curriculum is prepared by a dedicated team of industry experts who bring in their years of experience for the professional training of learners.

Moreover, we have-
  • 2 Million+ Learners
  • Global Instructors
  • 20,000+ Hours of High-Quality Content Promising Skill Gain
  • Certificate Upon Completion
  • Job Opportunities
  • Over a Decade Of Experience In Professional Training
  • Up-to-date Curriculum
  • 30 Days Money Back Guarantee


Sunil Gupta

Hello Learners ,

I am Sunil K. Gupta . I am a Computer Science Engineer as well as a web Security Specialist working in the field of Cyber Security . In cyber Industry we work on different hacking tools and techniques .
When it comes to cybersecurity, hacking comes in many colors: white, grey, black, and shades in between. White hat hackers use their skills for good. They practice ethical hacking: involved testing to see if an organization's network is vulnerable to outside attacks .
My strengths are:-
◆Vulnerability Assessment ◆ Penetration Testing ◆ Wi-Fi Assessment ◆ Intrusion Detection ◆ Risk's Identification
◆ Data Analysis ◆ Report and Briefing.

Best Security Tools I have used :-
Class-Dump-Z, Cycript, GNU Debugger, Fiddler, Nmap, Wikto, Brutus, WireShark, Burp Proxy, Paros Proxy, Cain and Abel, John the Ripper, Hydra, Metasploit, netcat, openssl, ike tools, Back track tools, Nessus, IBM-AppScan, Acunetix, Nikto, NetSparker, MicrosoftBaseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), Web Securify, Nipper.
Platforms - Windows, Linux operating System.

So As I have created my career in Cyber Security . you guys can also learn Ethical hacking . Lets Do It.

Eduonix Learning Solutions


Eduonix creates and distributes high quality technology training content. Our team of industry professionals have been training manpower for more than a decade. We aim to teach technology the way it is used in industry and professional world. We have professional team of trainers for technologies ranging from Mobility, Web to Enterprise and Database and Server Administration.

Minerva Singh

Hello. I am a PhD graduate from Cambridge University where I specialized in Tropical Ecology. I am also a Data Scientist on the side. As a part of my research I have to carry out extensive data analysis, including spatial data analysis.or this purpose I prefer to use a combination of freeware tools- R, QGIS and Python.I do most of my spatial data analysis work using R and QGIS. Apart from being free, these are very powerful tools for data visualization, processing and analysis. I also hold an MPhil degree in Geography and Environment from Oxford University. I have honed my statistical and data analysis skills through a number of MOOCs including The Analytics Edge (R based statistics and machine learning course offered by EdX), Statistical Learning (R based Machine Learning course offered by Standford online). In addition to spatial data analysis, I am also proficient in statistical analysis, machine learning and data mining. I also enjoy general programming, data visualization and web development. In addition to being a scientist and number cruncher, I am an avid traveler

Mohammad Nauman


I have a PhD in Computer Sciences and a PostDoc from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. I have been programming since early 2000 and have worked with many different languages, tools and platforms. I have an extensive research experience with many state-of-the-art models to my name. My research in Android security has led to some major shifts in the Android permission model.

I love teaching and the most important reason I upload online is to make sure people can find my content. If you have any problem with finances and you want to take my courses.

Partha Dey

India |PhD

With over 12 years experience in Data Science, I opted teaching online through Eduonix, whose courses are available on Udemy. Follow my courses to learn the basics of AI and Machine Learning with simple but effective examples, getting your concepts right and to the point.

Abhilash Nelson

India |Masters

I am a pioneering, talented and security-oriented Android/iOS Mobile and PHP/Python Web Developer Application Developer offering more than eight years’ overall

IT experience which involves designing, implementing, integrating, testing and supporting impact-full web and mobile applications.

My experience with PHP/Python Programming is an added advantage for server based Android and iOS Client Applications.

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