Start your web development journey with our beginners course covering important building blocks like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap and PHP-MySQL.
We have designed a comprehensive course for beginners to help you learn how to build a complete dynamic application with the help of HTML, CSS, Boostrap, and MySQL PHP. Web development is a complex process and it is important to start learning it the right way. If you are new to coding and have not yet figured out where to start from or are fluent in any of the framework but have an eagerness to learn - well then this is the ideal course for you.
This course will cover the following:
- How HTML and CSS is used to create websites
- What is JavaScript and how to use it
- How to do Responsive web development using Bootstrap
- How to do server side programming in PHP
- How to use Database like MySQl to build dynamic websites
This course is your one stop guide for all you web development learning needs. What are you waiting for? Start now and build you next web application..