It is important to know yourself and carefully consider the causes of your stress.
Learning to do this takes time, and although you cannot avoid stress, the good news is that you can minimize the harmful effects of stress, such as depression or hypertension. The key is to develop an awareness of how you interpret, and react to, circumstances. This awareness will help you develop coping techniques for managing stress.
Inside this course, I will provide you some basic information on stress and simple recommended techniques to effectively manage and deal with stress. You will learn how to combat stress in your daily life and prevent it from becoming a serious medical problem for your health and well-being.
The course focuses on what stress is, what causes it, and most importantly what you can do to manage your stress. It will provide you a detailed idea about how to identify your sources of stress, understand the stress and its root cause along with the ability to generate alternative solutions, and select the best solutions for your physical, mental and social well-being.