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Rathan Kumar

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load->view('courses_load', array('list' => $list_newly_launched, 'active' => true)); ?>


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About Instructor

I have been programming for over 7 years. Started as a PHP Developer, then fell in love with Python. I have strong in-depth knowledge of front-end technologies such as HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, etc even though I am specialized in back-end development. Django is my favorite & most loved Web Framework.

I have very good knowledge of creating awesome programming course content that perfectly suits the current job market demands. Enroll in my courses and be a better Software Developer.


Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application
Course content is good
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application
Perfect tutorials as of now.
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application
Excellent. However the code on github is slightly different from the course coding along.
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application
I've learned new tips and he give me what I expect in my django journey ! May be , it's better to divide the course in three parts ! Because he give us many useful informations and we need a little break to digest it! But this is for me the best django course !
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application
Really useful
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application
Django Ecommerce | Build Advanced Django Web Application

Skill Set


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