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Nicholas Lever

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New Release Courses

load->view('courses_load', array('list' => $list_newly_launched, 'active' => true)); ?>


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About Instructor

I started work in 1980 as an animator. Buying a Sinclair ZX81 in 1982 was the start of a migration to a full time programmer.

Over the last 20 years I have been struck by just how difficult it has been to find good developers and so I'm developing video courses hoping to inspire and educate new developers.


Create a 3D RPG Game With THREE.js
gd course
HTML5 Game Development : Beginner to Pro
Excellent! Perhaps to let some source codes could improve the learning time a bit! Thank you very much!
Create a 3D Car Racing Game with THREE.js and CANNON.js
Thank you very much!
HTML5 Game Development : Beginner to Pro
I enjoyed the course. It is very intuitive.
Create a 3D RPG Game With THREE.js
very good!
Learn GLSL Shaders from Scratch
very good
Learn to create WebXR, VR and AR, experiences using Three.JS
very good
Learn GLSL Shaders from Scratch
Very Good
Create a 3D multi-player game using THREE.js and Socket.IO
Very brief overview in the technologies mentioned !
Learn Unity Shaders from Scratch
The tutor explains very clearly

Skill Set

Game Development
Web Development

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