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About Instructor

I'm a Construct 3 game developer (originally from California, USA). I've released one Construct 2 game called BLOC on Wii U. 


Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
5 stars. Excellent course. i had trouble with sound at some points but it might be my computer. The course is the best in the world. This hands on experience is something you can find nowhere.
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Quite funny but a bit too simple. Hope to have more challenging exercises in the future lectures. :)
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Very nice
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
It's good
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Just loved it!!!!
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Awesome course and updated
Introduction to Professional Game Development with Construct
Excellent content - I wish the Spirit Editor, Video could have come first and based the entire platform theme on the Anartica concept. Aside from that tip, excellent work!!

Skill Set

Game Development

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