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AR Shankar

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load->view('courses_load', array('list' => $list_newly_launched, 'active' => true)); ?>


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DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
good as of now
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
Very informative to start up CI/CD.
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
thank you for your efforts to providing us course ans lms like that
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
I am reviewed
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
perfect !
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
awesome teaching sir the way you explained is very very great
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
great course so far, it provides a nice overview and walks you through each of the relevant steps.
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
i have completed 2 sections so far and am impressed with content and simple explanation. now i could correlate different integrations effectively. appreciate the efforts. May i know who is the instructor. want to see more advanced videos on this area.
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
videos are blurry, hardly can see anything
DevOps Project 2022: Git Jenkins Ansible Docker Kubernetes
Linux for Cloud & DevOps Engineers
One of the best curses on Linux. The instructor has done a very good job explaining each and every command with examples and live demo. It would have been great if the slides are also provided to students for further reference or for revision.

Skill Set

AWS Solutions Architect
AWS SysOps Administrator

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