WordPress powers more than 34% of the web a figure that rises every day. Everything from simple websites, to blogs, to complex portals and enterprise websites, and even applications, are built with WordPress. WordPress combines simplicity for users and publishers with under-the-hood complexity for developers. This makes it flexible while still being easy-to-use.[https://wordpress.org]
In this tutorial, there are lessons provided to you on how to set up a brandnew online elearning website. If you’re an expert in a specific field and you want to hold classes online, or you’re an employer who intends to create an environment for people to have classes, meetings, webinars, etc. in order to earn money, this is the tutorial for you. We'll teach you that step by step. You won't need any coding skill or any other type of specific knowledge to do this. Just follow our instructions, and you will see that you, too, can easily start your own business.
you can add different options to your system, or that you do not necessarily need to use the plugins introduced here. It depends on how you define your business and the tools you use to optimize your work.