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Home >> Deals >> Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Python and PyTorch: Zero to Mastery

Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Python and PyTorch: Zero to Mastery

Learn AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Transfer Learning & Computer Vision for Image Classification & Segmentation with PyTorch & Python to Build, Train and Deploy YOUR own Models.

English (UK)

Instructors: Mazhar Hussain

  • 2
  • 58+
  • 4.76+
    Hrs Video
( 50% off )
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Why This Deal

Welcome to the ultimate course bundle on "Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Python and PyTorch: Zero to Mastery"! Are you interested in mastering the most cutting-edge technology of the 21st century? Do you want to learn how to build intelligent systems that can perceive, reason, and act like humans? If so, then this course bundle is for you! With the explosive growth of data and the increasing demand for intelligent machines, deep learning and AI have become the hottest topics in the tech industry. This comprehensive course bundle will take you from the basics to advanced topics in deep learning and AI using Python and PyTorch, two of the most popular tools in the field. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start your journey to becoming a deep learning and AI expert!

So, checkout the courses in the bundle and get this amazing deal right now!


Course 1: Deep Learning for Image Segmentation with Python and Pytorch
Course 2: Deep Learning with Python for Image Classification


Mazhar Hussain


Mazhar Hussain is currently in the role of Deep Learning and Computer Vision Engineer. He has extensive teaching experience at University Higher Education level and Online over a decade. He has published several research papers on Deep Learning in well-reputed Journals and Conferences. He believes on extensive practical trainings 100% hands-on with stunning support.

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