Information security and user privacy is one of the pressing concerns in today’s world. Internet has been successful in replacing multiple industries and making communication cheaper and more accessible to everyone around the globe. With all this comes various concerns of data theft, privacy and secrecy. For this purpose, we designed this course so that you can learn the concepts of cryptography and provide the complete security to the users by using this platform.
Why this course is important?
Before understanding the importance of this course, first you should understand the importance of cryptography. Generally, it is a science or practice which converts the plain text of a user into a cipher text for secure communication between 1st party and 2nd party avoiding its interception by any 3rd party or adversaries. Cryptography prevents the data theft or its alteration by giving the user authentication.
This course helps you with all the details about cryptographic algorithms in Java making you capable enough that you can easily provide privacy and security to the communication made between two individuals. It will help you encrypt any communications which is only readable by the desired person.
What makes this course so valuable?
This course focuses on the concepts of cryptography, its terminologies, basic algorithms of cryptography and advanced algorithms of cryptography. Additionally, this course will also cover the implementation of different ciphers, message authentication code analysis, digital signatures and multitude of other topics.
This course includes-
1. Basics about cryptography and java as a programming tool for cryptography.
2. Different algorithms of cryptography both basics and advanced, and its implementation
- Reverse Cipher
- Caesar Cipher
- ROT13 Cipher
- XOR Cipher
- Base 64 Encoding
- Multiplicative Cipher and others
3. Activity message digests and activity message authentication code
4. Details about digital signatures and its verification
5. Different types of cryptography like symmetric or asymmetric cryptography
6. Key pair generation and many more!
Are you interested in learning cryptography? Are you curious about encrypting or decrypting messages? Does the idea of secrecy intrigues you? If any one of the above question’s answer is yes then this is the complete course for you to master the science of cryptography.