In this course you will learn the skills and check out how to make a release ready house music dance track that shines! All FROM SCRATCH! Build your skills on the new Cubase 9.5 Pro audio DAW and take your skills to the next level.
During the course you will learn how to navigate the new Cubase 9.5 Pro workflow. As well as all the following areas below. You will also get access to resource section parts and MIDI to create your own version of the track as well as important keyboard commands to make the creative process quick and easy.
BASIC OVERVIEW OF CUBASE 9.5 PRO: *Features that really stood out for me*
- Working with locators within the workflow.
- Working with the mixer (Adding FX Channels / Sends.
- Working with cut and chopping up audio parts.
- Working with the EQ.
- Enabling automation and using in the track.
- Using velocity to control sound volume.
- Working with midi recordings, quantizing.
- Working with the channel strips effects.
- Starting with a project template.
- Utilising synths in the mix.
- Track visibility.
- Using chord track.
- Cubase Offline Mix Processing.
- Render In Place.
- Cubase Sampler.