The easiest language meets the easiest framework in Django. This high-level framework combines the simplicity of Python to create powerful and dynamic websites. In today's world, where demand for large scale websites and apps are required, Django makes a great tool to help you design apps without requiring the knowledge of confusing and complicated programming languages.
Django is a powerful web development framework, paired with Python programming language and allows building powerful, and dynamic websites. It offers the tools to create clean and pragmatic apps without the use of heavy coding.
Django relies on concepts such as reusability and pluggability, rapid development and the 'don't repeat yourself' principle. It also provides an optional administrative create, read, update and delete interface that is generated dynamically through introspection and configured via admin models. Django has been used to build some popular websites such as Instagram and Pinterest.
Do you want master this amazing framework and build complex websites or apps? Do you want to actually learn how to practically use Django? Then, you've come to the right place!
In this course, we won't dwell on the theories and the how-it-should-be, but rather we focus on exactly what Django is and how you can use it. You will learn the theoretical concepts, as you actually use them to build five power-packed websites and apps.
Along with the instructor, you will go through the process of learning about Django and building 5 real-world functional apps that will not only teach you about this framework, but also give you confidence to use this framework outside this tutorial.
Our course employs a 'learn by doing' approach, that believes in helping students learn actual practical applications of the technology rather than just the theoretic. In this course, you will learn what is Django, how to install Django, how to work with its terminal and even how to design websites and apps with this amazing framework.
The five projects that are covered in this course range from simple to more complex websites and apps, where you will master how to create functional websites, including an ecommerce website.
Here are the five projects that we will cover:
Project 1: Database Driven Website - You will learn how to create a website and tie it in with a database, as well as how to use dynamic code in your HTML pages.
Project 2: Django app - You will learn how to build a complete functional app, as well as how to get it to communicate with other apps.
Project 3: Email sent form - In this project, you will create an email form that will be sent to a real email account to learn how messaging works in Django.
Project 4: Ecommerce website - In this one, you will learn how to design a complete ecommerce website, along with a cart and a checkout process.
Project 5: User authentication - You will learn how to do user authentication, where users can sign up, log in and modify their admin panel.
What are you waiting for? Let's jump in to learn Django.