Amazon Web Services or AWS as its more popular name is the biggest name in cloud computing with the biggest market share with a very high growth rate. This course is will provide you the essential training to get started on various Amazon services. You will learn about all the popular cloud and infrastructure services provided by Amazon and will work on practical examples. The course will cover the following concepts
AWS Concepts
AWS Infrastructure Overview
AWS System Administration
Using EC2 for Web Infrastructure
Using Dynamo DB as NoSQL DB
Use of S3 for storage infrastructure
Using Cloud Front and Load balancers for your websites
Amazon Simple Services for Messaging and Email
The course touch on the theoretical concepts as well as practical usage of the technology. It is important that the student uses the concepts to build real world infrastructure using AWS as they cover each chapter.
Our Amazon Web Services and Cloud Computing tutorial contains over 3.5 hours of content with over 15 lectures to Learn Cloud Computing. This Cloud Computing and Amazon Web Services course provides you tutorials to Manage Infrastructure on AWS.
To Learn Cloud Computing and Amazon web services through our tutorial, as user should have the Basic Understanding of System Application, Basic Knowledge of Linux. At the end of this Cloud Computing and Amazon Web Service tutorials you could perform Cloud Computing Services and Infrastructure development on Cloud.