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Home >> Deals >> Complete Web Development Guide

Complete Web Development Guide

Master Trending Technologies of Web Development with this Bundle

English (US)

Instructors: Eduonix Learning Solutions, Roman Gustavo Litvin, Gerrit Vermeulen, Code And Create, Matthew Raymer, Syed Raza, Navin Balla

  • 10
  • 881+
  • 121.53+
    Hrs Video
( 20% off )
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Why This Deal

Web development is in trend! Just to give you a clear picture, there are over 1.9 billion websites that have already been created & is live. Going by the trend & the demand, this number is expected to increase significantly in the forthcoming years requiring good & skilled web developers. Because of this, we have created this bundled deal having 10 online courses on the different aspects of web development. This deal includes an entire course dedicated completely to Full Stack Web Developmen


Eduonix Learning Solutions


Eduonix creates and distributes high quality technology training content. Our team of industry professionals have been training manpower for more than a decade. We aim to teach technology the way it is used in industry and professional world. We have professional team of trainers for technologies ranging from Mobility, Web to Enterprise and Database and Server Administration.

Roman Gustavo Litvin


Gerrit Vermeulen


I have been in development since 2009, and I am experienced inLaravelPHPMySqlFlutterVueJsJavascriptJQueryHTML5

I live in Namibia, and I've done a lot of projects. I love creating new projects and I love learning new technologies!


I have taught a couple of people before and I get a sense of enjoyment by helping people where I can.

Code And Create


'CodeAndCreate' is a Web Development company. It consists of professional web developers, web designers and experienced instructors. 'CodeAndCreate' creates well designed online educational courses. We are specialized in multiple technologies and programming languages such as HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React, Angular, Vue JS, NodeJS, MongoDB, PHP, OOP, and much more...

Matthew Raymer

United States |MSC

I am about creative problem-solving. 

Syed Raza

United States

As an Enterprise Architect and Senior Project Manager, and CEO of ClayDesk.com, I specialize in making complex material real easy to follow and understand. ClayDesk is one of the fastest growing and leading provider of cutting edge technology and training solutions. Our on-demand learning division provides latest courses with hands-on tutorials.

Providing technical and training solutions using AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Red Hat OpenShift, Python, Java, JavaScript, React JS, GCP, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Ansible, and Docker.

Navin Balla


I am Founder & CTO for AMHALA PRIVATE LIMITED, and passionate about conducting training for corporate.

Working in Infosys Ltd. as System Engineer.

After getting experience in the IT industry, started our company AMHALA PVT LTD in Hyderabad.

But as a trainer, training people passion was always my soul and continued from college to here.

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