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Live Training on Breast Cancer Prediction Using ML Algorithm
It's the year 2021; machines are becoming smarter, devices can communicate, and billions of text data is being created every day. Thanks to our current love affair with technology, our life has become a lot easier than it used to be.
As the technologies are evolving beyond their artificial constraints, every sector has started searching for new ways to take advantage. This has led to the development of new & super-intelligent systems that can replace or augment human services. One such example is the rise of ML Algorithms.
ML algorithms are being adopted by numerous industries at a rapid pace for predicting future outcomes based on past data. One industry that has been hopeful for this breakthrough is the health sector.
The predicting ability of ML algorithms has been a boon to the health industry, especially, when it comes to detecting serious ailments like Cancer. Yes, you heard right! In fact, many hospitals & clinics have started using ML algorithms for detecting both malignant & benign tumors. Considering its significance, for the 1st time, we have organized an exclusive live training on ML algorithm that can detect breast cancer - that too for FREE!! So join this training session to build & test an ML algorithm in real-time.
Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women worldwide. However, predicting or detecting at an early stage can be a game-changer, but often presents several challenges to the health experts. To tackle this issue, doctors have started using ML algorithms that can predict it or detect it with high accuracy depending upon the previous data.
It will be more of an introductory section, wherein, the instructor will introduce you to the common challenges faced while developing such algorithms, the benefits, the role of data & the participants.
It is a philosophy or an approach that is widely used for breast cancer detection globally. Its ability to provide in-depth insights, extracting important variables, revealing underlying structure & detecting anomalies or outliers is very crucial for health experts.
This section will help you to summarize & visualize important characteristics of a dataset. The instructor will first, teach you the right way of exploring the data, and then give you the important tips that will help significantly with EDA. In the end, you will also get insights into feature selection.
Since not all tissue lumps are malignant, it is important for an ML algorithm to predict or detect both the malignant & Benign conditions with high accuracy. And to tackle this issue, Random Forest Classifier is being used.
This section will train you to apply Random Forest Classifier along with the accuracy test. You will be working with some of the important ML libraries & a dataset having multiple attributes. After data preparation & pre-processing, the instructor will show you to train the model & check its accuracy.
Lastly, the instructor will summarize all the crucial concepts that you have learned throughout the training, important points, key benefits & real-time use cases. Upon completion, you will be able to build your own ML algorithm using exploratory data analysis & Random Forest Classifier with high accuracy. And like always, in the end, there will also be a dedicated time for a Q/A session in which Dr. Darshan Ingle will answer all the queries from your curious minds.
In-Depth Session on ML Algorithm
Project and Lab
Live Q&A
Once you have reserved your slot, we will send you 3 emails. You will receive the 1st email 48 hours before the webinar starts; the 2nd email will be sent 24 hours; & the 3rd email will be sent 2 hours before the webinar starts. Each of these emails will include a link that you can use to access the webinar.
Q&A session will begin at the end of the live training. During this session, all users are free to ask their questions, however, it is upon the instructor to reply to any of the given questions.
No. There will be just 1 slot available with limited seats for this webinar. Once you have reserved your slot, you won’t get any option to change it further.
Once the webinar is over, we will provide you the link that will help you to download all the resources and webinar recordings.
It will be a Free webinar on ML Algorithm For Detecting Breast Cancer, so a cancellation will not work.
You can contact our support team at support@eduonix.com
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