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Home >> Courses >> Software Engineering >> AWS MasterClass: Monitoring and DevOps with AWS CloudWatch

AWS MasterClass: Monitoring and DevOps with AWS CloudWatch

Master skills to alter and monitor aws infrastructure using aws cloudwatch.
4.7 (7 ratings) English (US) Instructor: Manuj Aggarwal
  •   Lectures: 44
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  •   Videos: 4.20 hours
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  •   Level: All
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  •   Language: English
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  •   Last Updated: 10/2017

Skills: AWS Certification

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About the Instructor

Manuj Aggarwal


I'm an entrepreneur, investor and a technology enthusiast. I like startups, business ideas, and high-tech anything. I like to work on hard problems and get my hands dirty with cutting edge technologies. In the last few years, I've been a business owner, technical architect, CTO, coder, startup consultant, and more.
Currently, I am the principal consultant, architect and CTO of a software consulting company TetraNoodle Technologies based in Vancouver, Canada. We work with various startups on some cutting edge and interesting problems. Whether it is ideation and refining of your startup idea or building a dream team to execute on the idea - we provide a diverse set of solutions which help these startups succeed in their plans.
I have been in the software industry since 1997 and I have worked with early stage businesses to Fortune 100 mega corporations.
With proficiency in creating innovative architectures and solutions, I have emerged as a professional who knows how to balance these solutions against cost, schedule, function, quality, and other business considerations.
I am passionate about sharing all my knowledge that I have acquired over the years. I am particularly interested in helping technical and non-technical entrepreneurs, founders and co-founders of tech startups. I will strive to bring courses which provide practical know-how and advice about designing, architecting, optimizing and executing on your next big idea.
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