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Get started on your journey for AI and Machine learning with our awesome bundle. This bundle covers diverse courses such as Tensorflow, ML with Python, Deep Learning and even Machine learning with Unity. This unique selection of courses will provide the students a diverse set of skills which can be used professionally in the real world of AI.
At UNP our vision is to make learning fun, fulfilling and personalized. We are working towards democratizing data science and breaking down the entry barrier to analytics and data science world.
We are committed to develop and publish top-notch data science learning materials. The materials are designed to make the students ready for the data science industry. All the contents developed at UNP are digital, either as e-books, video lectures, VR classrooms. Apart from distributing contents to individuals, we provide support for learning materials for corporate clients.
The learning materials are developed only by experienced data science professionals and professors from tier 1 universities. Every material goes through strict review procedure before it gets published. Every material coming out from UNP is accompanied by code snippets, application to industrial projects and tips to prepare for a job interviews.
Aligned with our vision, UNP scholarship program is set to provides learning opportunities for students with financial challenges.
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