In this course, you will learn how to use the 7c’s in all your communication whether written, spoken or even body language.
You will learn good verbal communication skills and I teach you simple tricks to make it easier. Good verbal skills are more than just the words we use, you will learn about tone and intonation. I even address the dreaded sentence upending that is plaguing the business world, why it does not work for you and how to defeat the habit. Believe me, if you are an upender you cannot imagine how you are being judged by your peers, your subordinates and your superiors and it is not good. I can use the slang word is not here because it is being used to prove a point.
You will learn good written communication skills as well. Skills such as how to write a professional looking and sounding business letter, the do’s and do nots of writing business emails. You will learn proper techniques for preparing a written business meeting agenda and how to produce an office memo correctly. I provide downloadable material for you to use as a guide.
You will learn how to read bodyl anguage and more importantly how to interpret what you are seeing and you will learn how to improve your own body language so that the signals you send agree with the words you are using.
You will learn how to delegate properly so that results can be obtained when and how you want them. I go over the good, the bad, and that not so pretty when it comes to delegation and help you understand how to differentiate between them.
If you are in the workplace you are now or will be responsible for conducting meetings. Both team meetings and one on one meetings. Most people dread attending meetings and if asked why, their responses will usually fall into one of two categories and often fall into both: the meeting always starts late and runs long, and the second reason, nothing ever gets accomplished.
I will teach you how to organize a meeting and then conduct it so those three elements, starts late, runs long, and nothing gets accomplished, will never come up when talking about the meetings you hold.
If you are not conducting then you need to know how to attend a meeting and I will teach you that, too.
Now, no self respecting course on communication would be complete without a discussion on grammar. This course just covers those areas that keep cropping up as I communicate with others. The information is basic but the fact that I keep running into it suggests to me we need to talk about it.