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Home >> Upcoming >> Practical Redis for Developers

Practical Redis for Developers

Learn Redis, one of the most popular open-source data structure server which is used by GitHub, Instagram, StackOverflow and numerous others.
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Redis or Remote Dictionary Server is an open-source data structure server which is employed as a database, cache and message broker. It is super fast and can support different kinds of abstract data structures - strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets along with two special data types- Bitmap and HyperLogLog.

It is one of the most popular in-memory and key/value NoSQL database wherein data is not lost even in case of any crash. Redis can also perform around 110,000 SETs and 81,000 GETs per seconds. Furthermore, it supports myriads of programming languages like C, C++, C#, Elixir, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala and several others.

Why you should learn Redis?

  • Exceptionally Fast
  • Supports rich data types
  • All the operations are atomic
  • Offers data replication
  • Can be used for caching, messaging queues, web page hit counts and others
  • Best tool for game optimization

Why you should pre-order this course?

If you are familiar with Memcached, then it won’t be difficult for you to get down with Redis. It is almost similar to the Memcached but provides some additional rich-set of features. Redis provides numerous benefits and has become popular among the developer’s community. Additionally, this database is also being used by various big names like Pinterest, Instagram, StackOverflow, Docker, GitHub, Snapchat and others. Considering all these points, we have tailored this course so you can learn and understand all the concepts of Redis with ease.

Join this campaign to understand all the concepts required to learn Redis. By taking this course, you will learn-

  • Basic overview of Redis
  • Overview of its use cases
  • Redis Installation on Various Platforms
  • Redis Data Types
  • Ways to Interact with Database
  • Advanced Commands and Mechanisms
  • Project: Clicker game
  • Much More!

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