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OpenShift for Beginners

Explore all the concepts of OpenShift to become the expert with this practical OpenShift tutorial.
$99 $10
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OpenShift is an open source Container Platform for developing and deploying apps. It is a private platform as a service (PaaS). It is implemented as an assemblage of Docker-based application containers which is managed by Kubernetes orchestration running on an OS foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

OpenShift helps you to efficiently test, deploy, scale and run the containers across multiple hosts and operating environments. Additionally, it also performs automatic health checks and ensures high availability in expected workloads. This platform also features a robust set of command-line functionality tools and multidevice web console. Furthermore, OpenShift supports rapid scalability too. Going by its popularity, today over 2000 companies all across the world are using OpenShift. Some of which are Accenture PLC, ThoughtWorks, Talent HR Solutions, Cisco, Raytheon, RD Station, Apunto, InApplet, Cloud9IDE and others.

Why you should learn OpenShift?

  • Provides support for Node.js, PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby and Java
  • It is extensible
  • Accelerates application development
  • It allows to integrate tools which you use most across your operating environment

Why you should pre-order this course?

Containers are becoming popular by each passing day and the demand for professionals knowing OpenShift has also increased significantly. Looking from a career perspective, learning OpenShift gives you an added advantage as constantly recruiters are searching for the engineers who are well versed with it. Though there are numerous online courses available, this is one complete online tutorial helping you to learn all the aspects of OpenShift.

Join us in our campaign to learn all the concepts of OpenShift. By taking this course, you will gradually develop all of the required skills for the same. This course teaches you everything including the basics of OpenShift, Small Docker Lab, OpenShift Architecture, Networking, Scaling, Storage and, Creating a project and its deployment in OpenShift.

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$99 $7 You Save: $92  (93%)

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