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About Instructor

We2Blocks is a Blockchain consultation and development company that aims to provide the skills that an individual requires to succeed in the Blockchain industry.

At We2Blocks, we develop, maintain, and evaluate blockchain-related products and web services for our partners worldwide and provide long-term assistance on related technologies as well as operational matters.

Our online learning platform aims to empower professionals globally by providing them top-notch university-level education on Blockchain.


Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals

It is good

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals

very good

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals

Good content

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals

Very informative

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals
Clear and concise. Excellent.
Hyperledger and Hyperledger Composer
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals
Excellent and well explained content.
Hyperledger and Hyperledger Composer
Awesome content
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals
more expalntion needed,the instructor reading from the presentation is not enough
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals
Not much explanation, instructor is just reading the slides only
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals
Instructor is mostly reading from the content in the slide.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals
Love it
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals
very good n understandable concepts
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Fundamentals
Hat's off to a structured class, with visual examples and text to follow and real world examples. I have completed the first section and find this to be an excellent class.

Skill Set

Cryptocurrency & Blockchain
Blockchain Architect
Hyperledger Composer
Blockchain Development

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