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Scott Reese

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load->view('courses_load', array('list' => $list_newly_launched, 'active' => true)); ?>


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About Instructor

Hey there!

I'm Scott Reese, a young professional currently working as a full-time software engineer in the financial services industry. My course content focuses on software development, investing, and trading!

I graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with degrees in Computer Science and Economics. Much of what I learned in school has helped to launch my career, however, that knowledge will only get you so far. I aim to share this information as a base but will also provide significant expansion derived from my own real-world experiences and accumulation of self-taught knowledge.



Computer Science: DATA STRUCTURES (Java)

Good Start for Beginners

Computer Science: DATA STRUCTURES (Java)
Hyper neat and clear!
Computer Science: DATA STRUCTURES (Java)
Computer Science: DATA STRUCTURES (Java)
Computer Science: DATA STRUCTURES (Java)
Computer Science: DATA STRUCTURES (Java)
The course is clear and the explanations also.
Computer Science: DATA STRUCTURES (Java)
Very Good

Skill Set

Coding Interview
Data Structures
Software Development

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