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Robin Nichols

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New Release Courses

load->view('courses_load', array('list' => $list_newly_launched, 'active' => true)); ?>


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About Instructor

I have been shooting images for a long, long time and see no reason to stop! I have worked with many different genres of photography over the years, from audio-visual to printing, documentary to fine art and from stock to wedding. I have seen the progression of film slowly morphing into digital and published some of Australia's best-selling photography magazines. I still love shooting images and passing on my experiences and knowledge to anyone with a desire to learn this wonderful hobby or occupation...


Adobe Lightroom Classic for Beginners
If you want to learn Lightroom from beginner to expert this is the (best) appropriate course.
Adobe Lightroom Classic for Beginners
very good

Skill Set

Adobe Loghtroom

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