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load->view('courses_load', array('list' => $list_newly_launched, 'active' => true)); ?>


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About Instructor

Greetings, I'm Mustafa Küçükkarsu,

I'm a biomedical engineer and a computer engineer. I had work and projects in companies like Siemens. In general, I have worked on image processing, signal processing and data processing. I also participated in the "eye-controlled wheelchair" project designed for disabled people. In addition, I have worked in many software and electronic projects. Now I'm teaching software and finance.

As a philosophy of life, I have adopted to learn continuously and to convey what I have learned to others. I've always tried to take part in the teaching and learning side of Education.

You can reach for all kinds of opinions and questions.

“If things are going well, double your education budget, and quadruple if things are going badly.…”

Peter Senge


Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets
Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets


Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets
Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets
It's decent course on stock market
Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets
nicly explained
Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets
Good and informative,
Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets
Is a course very complete and very precise
Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets
So detailed course
Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets
Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets
Excellent experience performing course
Investment and Technical Analysis Methods on Stock Markets

Skill Set

Technical Analysis

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