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Axel Mammitzsch

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About Instructor

Axel Mammitzsch has been active in IT support for computer users for over 15 years. For him, explaining complicated things in simple terms is part of his daily work.

In his books and video courses he does not explain boring theory from experts for experts, but explains everything practice-oriented for beginners understandably and comprehensibly.

This kind of teaching leads to quick successes and "Aha" experiences for his course participants. In addition the fun factor in his books and video courses are also very important.


Artificial Intelligence - Easily Explained For Beginners

I missed some practices it is too theorical

Raspberry Pi Manual For Beginners (Mac+PC compatible)
Going Great so far
Artificial Intelligence - Easily Explained For Beginners
Perfect review! Thanks a lot!
Artificial Intelligence - Easily Explained For Beginners
Great courses!!
Artificial Intelligence - Easily Explained For Beginners
very good
Artificial Intelligence - Easily Explained For Beginners
nice presentation
Künstliche Intelligenz - einfach erklärt für Einsteiger
Artificial Intelligence - Easily Explained For Beginners
Easy to understand for beginners
Raspberry Pi Manual For Beginners (Mac+PC compatible)
very good
3D Druck Anleitung für Einsteiger | 2020 Edition
Artificial Intelligence - Easily Explained For Beginners
Raspberry Pi Manual For Beginners (Mac+PC compatible)
Künstliche Intelligenz - einfach erklärt für Einsteiger
Very Good
macOS Manual For Beginners
Very Good
Raspberry Pi para principiantes Edición 2020 (Mac+PC)
very good

Skill Set

Artificial Intelligence
Computer Vision
Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Raspberry Pi
3D Printing

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