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Home >> Deals >> Ethical Hacking Masterclass 2.0

Ethical Hacking Masterclass 2.0

Master Ethical Hacking with Bundled Courses on Hacking

English (US)

Instructors: Brad Merrill, Hackers Cloud Security, Priyank Dinesh Gada, Muhammad Ali, Jenazad Academy, Joseph Delgadillo, Mohamad Mahjoub, Frahaan Hussain

  • 9
  • 614+
  • 74.86+
    Hrs Video
( 50% off )
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Why This Deal

Learning the methods employed by malicious hackers will enable you to search for and identify security loopholes in a system. Step into a better professional career with our Ethical Hacking Masterclass. After finishing all the courses from this bundle, you will learn Cybersecurity, Malware, Terms and Definitions, Threat & Vulnerability Management, Security, ethical hacking, penetration testing and network security.


Brad Merrill

Brad Merrill is a serial entrepreneur, blogger, and tech journalist who has been building things on the web for over a decade. His work has been read by millions of people, featured on Techmeme, and cited by a number of notable publications, including the Wall Street Journal.  he teaches more than 10,000 students in 150+ countries about business and technology.

Hackers Cloud Security


Hackers Cloud Security is startup IT Security Company and our aim specializes in providing state-of-the-art technical training and certifications on all popular IT technologies available globally. We collaborate with organizations and people to address their interesting needs, giving preparing and instructing that enables working experts to accomplish their profession objectives.

We provide online training for IT Securities. example, Cyber Security, Ethical Hacking, Web Security, Big Data Analysis, Web Development and Data Science among others, where advances and best practices are changing quickly and interest for qualified hopefuls altogether surpasses supply.

Our experienced security researcher are ready to advise students on courses and career opportunities according to their educational background, interests, Ethical Hacking and Security. Our goal is to educate people and increase awareness by reveal methods used by real black-hat hackers and show how to secure from these hackers. 

Our relationship does not end once you take off. It just starts from the very beginning once more.

Priyank Dinesh Gada

India |Bsc IT

Muhammad Ali


I’m a Network Engineer and security analyzer, & Hold a Master degree in Computer Network Engineering (CNE) with distinction and am currently working as a Researcher in IT security. 

My method of teaching is mostly by considering real life examples, I usually start the topic by explaining the theory behind every technique, then shows you how it actually works in a real life scenario.

My passion to the ethical hacking has mixed with the background in programming which makes me a wise Swiss knife professional in the computer science field.

Jenazad Academy


I have more than 9 years of experience in Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing and DevSecOps, I have the following certifications

CISACISSPCEHCCSP,Azure Security Engineer AssociateAWS Certified Security Specialty

Joseph Delgadillo

United States

Joseph Delgadillo is the founder of JTDigital Courses, an education technology company. He has been active in the online learning community since 2015 and has worked with multiple startups. As of 2020, over 1 million students across the globe have enrolled in his courses covering ethical hacking, Python programming, web development and more. 

Mohamad Mahjoub

United Arab Emirates |Masters
Cybersecurity expert

Frahaan Hussain

I am CEO of Sonar Systems which is the world leader in educational material for the game engine Cocos2d-x, one of the best and most popular game engines in the world. With years of experience programming and running an online education platform (Sonar Learning) I can help and support new programming like you.
I am also a University Lecturer teaching a variety of topics in Games Programming from Games Design to OpenGL Shader Programming.
I am also a published author of games design and soon to be released Responsive Web Design. I have all the facets required to educate and inspire.

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