If the topic is cybersecurity, it is hard to start where. This is because of its multi discipline structure. With this course, you can see the whole picture with hands on LABs. This gives you the advantage of learning both technical and theoretical aspects of the field. Our LABs are designed to learn the basics of technologies and processes. Thus, at the end of the course, you will have learned how to use or implement fundamental cybersecurity technologies and processes. The theoretical topics include modern approaches.
Besides technical details, our course also includes compliance topics. In this section, you will have a chance to learn HIPAA, PCI DSS, NIST, ISO 27001 standards. Remember that this information is essential for both technic and nontechnical cybersecurity professionals or researchers. Besides it, you will learn cyber hygiene issues which include both technical and theoretical information. You will have a chance to implement your knowledge about these topics during hand LABs. (Risk Management, CIS Security Controls, Vulnerability Scanning, Deploying Phishing Campaigns, and more..)
Do not worry about technical LABs like IDS technologies, Honeypods, VPNs. They are designed simply. Before starting the LAB needed theoretical information is given in previous lessons.
Our courses motto was chosen from the enlightenment era.
"Sapere Aude" (is the Latin phrase meaning "Dare to know")
Emanuel Kant.