The MEAN Stack are a prominent set of JavaScript technologies that are often used within web development. The name itself, is created by using the first initials of four different technologies that have been combined together - MongoDB, Express, Angular, and NodeJS. The stack is free and open-source and has been used to build dynamic web sites and applications. The stack is written in JavaScript, allowing the developer to code using the same language for both server-side and client-side.
In this short course, you will learn how to use the MEAN stack by actually building a complete application with it. You will build a functional ToDo Application in which you can add, edit and delete ToDos. You will also learn how to save the information in the server, so that it will stay even if you restart the application. Instead of downloading the complete MongoDB, you will learn how to use mLAB, which is a remote MongoDB database.
So, let us get started building your MEAN Stack Application.