The Basics of Computer Science and Information Systems course introduces you to the big picture (or Helicopter view) of 2 main interrelated topics Computer Science and Information Systems.
The aspect of Computer Science will focus on the fundamentals of Computer science and brief look into all of its areas of applications such as hardware, software, programming languages, computer networks, information systems and databases, data science and machine learning, web design, graphic designs, and multimedia etc.
The Basics of Information Systems course introduces you to the big picture of Information Systems, and the types of Information Systems such as Computer based Information system, Business information system etc., and their applications.
Course Objectives
In this course, you will learn:
Definition of Computer, Science, and Computer Science
Knowledge Areas/Branches and Application of Computer Science including Job opportunities
Definition of Information, Information Systems, and their differences
Different types of Information and data management systems and their applications
Informed Decision Making in your next career path
The course is intended to broaden scope of students and enable them to make an informed decision on which area of computer science and information systems will be most interesting for them to follow in detail.
Course Modules / Structure
The Course is divided into 5 Modules:
Module 1: Introduction to Computer and Computer Science
Module 2: Introduction to Information and Information Systems
Module 3: Types of Information Systems (IS) and Application
Module 4: (Information) System Development
Module 5: Organizations and Information System (IS)
NOTE: Your Review is Highly Valued
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