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Home >> Deals >> ADHD Parenting Bundle

ADHD Parenting Bundle

Tools to Bring out the Best in Your ADHD Child


Instructors: Faigy Liebermann

  • 2
  • 50+
  • 1.8+
    Hrs Video
( 50% off )
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Why This Deal

  • Are you at your wits end with your ADHD child?
  • Is your ADHD childs behaviour out of control?
  • Have you tried lots of tools, and they just do not work?
  • Is this problem greatly impacting your mental health, and on your productivity?

Being a mother is hard. Being a mother of an ADHD child is much harder. If you have an ADHD child you have probably realised that the regular parenting strategies simply do not work for your ADHD child. In fact, they often backfire, making the situation worse.

You need to stop the guilt and shame. You need to know that you are doing the best with the knowledge and tools that you currently have.

You did not cause your child’s ADHD. However, unfortunately, you can make the ADHD symptoms worse, through ignorance of the root causes of your ADHD child’s difficulties.

Your ADHD childs behaviour is influenced through their brain development. Learn the underlying biological reasons behind your ADHD childs perplexing behaviours.

Your ADHD child does not want to be naughty or rebellious. They just have deficits in their executive functions. In this bundle you will learn the correct ADHD knowledge which is the key for all change. You will learn the ADHD knowledge that will help you to become your ADHD childs best advocate.

As your ADHD childs mother, I believe that you have been endowed with the intuition and understanding to support your ADHD child. All you need is the correct ADHD knowledge. You need to learn how your ADHD child's brain development impacts their actions. This is mainly in the brains executive functions. You will learn how this works and how executive function deficit impacts your ADHD child’s behaviour.

This truth is the most important and life-changing ADHD parenting tool that you can possess.

Understanding the root cause is the catalyst for long term change. In this bundle you will have many “aha” moments. You will find the answers that you are looking for. 

You will stop fighting, and pushing against a wall. You will start to feel life flowing and moving towards your ADHD childs success.


  1. Mothers of ADHD children who are anxious and worried about their ADHD child
  2. Professional Organisers Specialising in ADHD who want to support their ADHD clients
  3. Anyone who wants to enhance their CV


Course 1: Ten ADHD Truths That You Must Know
Course 2: How to Manage Your ADHD Child\'s Behaviour


Faigy Liebermann

United Kingdom |ADHD Coaching Qualification

I am Faigy

My disability is invisible. I am visible. I have ADHD. I have Dyscalculia, (the numbers form of Dyslexia.) I have suffered with anxiety all my life. I am a mum of 5 children, all have ADHD. I am a certified ADHD life coach.

I have devoted years of my life to create many ADHD resources.

Find out more here https://linktr.ee/Focuswithfaigy

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