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The ADHD Organising Bundle

ADHD Tools to Organise Your Home

English (UK)

Instructors: Faigy Liebermann

  • 2
  • 118+
  • 5.47+
    Hrs Video
( 50% off )
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Why This Deal

The ADHD Organising Bundle is accredited by the International Association of Therapists, (IAOTH).

  • Is your home in a constant state of disorganised chaos?
  • Do you beat yourself up why you can’t get your act together like everyone else?

In   the ADHD Organising Bundle you will virtually enter my home, look around and see how I use my ADHD to work for me to create a calm and focused home. Are you a creative ADHD business mum struggling to stay afloat, and sinking too fast?

I know that you spend ages and ages searching for stuff that seems to disappear into thin air. I know how much you beat yourself up. I know how anxious you are when you can't find your stuff, and when you go out and buy yet another duplicate item...and find what you were looking for just after you have thrown away the receipt…

I know because these things happen to me every day. I know what goes on inside your home because I have ADHD just like you. ADHD women are a unique tribe. I have struggled my entire life to become just like everyone else. I have failed miserably. I learned the very hard way that I need to accept who I am, and work with my unique ADHD deficits to become the best version of myself. Its sink or swim, no other way.

In the ADHD Organising Bundle you will NOT learn how to create a spotless, immaculate and spartan home! Those homes don’t exist…Those homes exist only in the film sets.

In the ADHD Organising Bundle you will learn how to create a good-enough systems for your home.

In the ADHD Organising Bundle you will learn tools to tackle your clutter & get organised. In the ADHD Organising Bundle you will come and visit my home. You will see how I have managed to create a calm & grounded home even with my ADHD.


  • Accredited Course Bundle with a leading training provider
  • Pdf downloads to support your learning
  • Exceptional video training from Faigy, world renowned Industry Expert who has been in the ADHD organising field for 15+ years
  • Neuroscience underpinning every ADHD tool
  • Proven ADHD life skills that work
  • Lifetime access to the course material
  • Tutor support Monday - Friday
  • Learn at your own pace - anytime, and anywhere


  • How to get rid of your lifelong guilt and shame surrounding your clutter and mess
  • How to create a calm and grounded home environment
  • How your brain development affects your ability to declutter
  • ADHD tools to declutter and organise your home
  • How to organise your home that works with your ADHD


  • ADHD Mums who want to declutter and get organised
  • Professional Organisers Specialising in ADHD
  • ADHD Coaches who want to learn tools to support their ADHD clients
  • Professionals who want to deepen their understanding of ADHD


The ADHD Organising Bundle is the right course for anyone who wants to pursue their dream career in a professional career supporting ADHD clients. Learn the ADHD knowledge and tools that you need to boost your CV and gain the confidence to pursue your dream career.

Enrol in the ADHD Organising Bundle and move your professional career to the next level.


Course 1: The ADHD way to Organise Your Home
Course 2: ACCREDITED Creative Tools to Declutter & Organise With ADHD


Faigy Liebermann

United Kingdom |ADHD Coaching Qualification

I am Faigy

My disability is invisible. I am visible. I have ADHD. I have Dyscalculia, (the numbers form of Dyslexia.) I have suffered with anxiety all my life. I am a mum of 5 children, all have ADHD. I am a certified ADHD life coach.

I have devoted years of my life to create many ADHD resources.

Find out more here https://linktr.ee/Focuswithfaigy

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